Verdensballett 2024

The Review

Sylt . Keitum . July 11, 2024

The VERDENSBALLETT is performing at the BENEN-DIKEN-HOF for the 7th time

A magical ballet evening

The stage was once again set up for this evening in front of the historic, thatched building with its old chestnut trees. Astrid Elbo & Lukas Brændsrod gracefully dance the Grand Pas de deux to the music of Peter Tchaikovsky. Adagio from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, choreographed by Marius Petipa. The evening sun envelops the couple, dressed in delicate gold tones, in dramatic light. The audience follows the demanding dance spellbound, the choreography of which repeatedly demands athletic execution from the artists in many passages. White tents on the lawn next door promise delicious food during the break. A magical atmosphere hangs over the scene.

The VERDENSBALLETT (Danish for World Ballet) is performing for the seventh time on the grounds of the BENEN-DIKEN-HOF in Keitum on Sylt. The program: classical and modern ballet parts, scenes and arias from well-known operas as well as music for violin and piano. The dancers are accompanied by Norwegian soprano Lina Johnson and Jens-Christian Wandt, tenor and master of ceremonies, as well as pianist Caroline Jaya-Ratnam and violinist Charlie Siem.

In his opening speech, Claas-Erik Johannsen welcomes the audience and thanks in particular the regulars who have always been there – i.e. who are attending the event for the seventh time – as well as the new guests who are attending for the first time. Among other things, he sends greetings from the Federal Youth Ballet, which cannot take part this year due to the simultaneous farewell to John Neumeier in Hamburg.


SYLTER ZEITUNG . July 17, 2024

Magnificent danced Art
Verdensballett thrilled spectators at the Benen-Diken-Hof

The Danish Verdensballett and the musical soloists showed off their skills in front of around 1,000 spectators and impressed with their professional performance.

Keitum . Last Thursday, the Benen-Diken-Hof on Sylt became an enchanting stage when the renowned Verdensballett presented its spectacular performance. Against the picturesque backdrop, around 1,000 spectators experienced a perfect fusion of classical ballet, moving music and impressive art. The international dancers, including stars from world-famous ensembles, enchanted the audience with elegant movements and masterful choreography. They were accompanied by outstanding soloists whose virtuoso interpretations captivated the audience. Even a brief rain shower and overflying planes could not spoil the serene atmosphere. The Benen-Diken-Hof, with its inviting atmosphere, offered the ideal setting for this cultural highlight, which exuded a unique magic through the harmonious interplay of nature, art and architecture. The organizers were overwhelmed by the response and the smooth running of the event. “It was an evening full of emotions and artistic excellence,” enthused Claas-Erik Johannsen. The Verdensballett in the Benen-Diken-Hof has once again proven that Sylt is not only known for its natural beauty, but also offers a stage for cultural highlights. For the seventh time, the Verdensballett, the Danish world ballet, was a guest on the grounds of the private hotel in Keitum. Against the impressive backdrop of the Benen-Diken-Hof, the artists took the audience into a world of classical and contemporary ballet, accompanied by piano and violin music as well as sung opera arias. Jens-Christian Wandt, tenor and founder of the Verdensballett, charmingly led the evening with his Danish accent. “It is an honor to be here every year. Sylt is one of the highlights of our tour,” enthused Wandt. On their summer tour, the Verdensballett will perform nine times in Denmark and just one in Germany, right here in Keitum. Before the performance, the guests enjoyed exquisite snacks such as oysters from Johannes King, an asparagus dish and rose secco/gin from the Söl’ring Hof, Galloway meatballs and currywurst from the Sylter Landschlachterei and Danish hot dogs from the Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF), the cultural umbrella organization of the Danish minority on Sylt. At the end, Jens-Christian Wandt promised: “We’ll be back next year. Sylt has a very special atmosphere.” Fans of the Verdensballett can therefore look forward to another fascinating performance next year. Anja and Claas-Erik Johannsen paid particular tribute to the commitment of everyone involved in the evening: “Without the dedicated support of everyone, really all of the employees at the Benen-Diken-Hof, many friends and the sponsors and their employees, such an event would not have been possible. Thank you for that.”  Courtesy of the Sylter Zeitung

The VERDENSBALLETT 2024 once again provided proof that high culture can be enjoyed in a relaxed and easy manner. This year’s tour again featured a selection of world-famous dancers.

With Steven McRae, artistic director and principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of London, at the helm, some of the most talented dancers in the world once again took part:

Iana Salenko . Prima ballerina at the Berlin State Ballet. Berlin chamber dancer
Marian Walter . Principal dancer at the Berlin State Ballet . Berlin chamber dancer
Astrid Elbo . Principal dancer at the Royal Ballet Copenhagen
Steven McRae . Principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of London
Xander Parish . Principal dancer at the Norwegian National Ballet
Anna Rose O’Sullivan . Principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of London
Lukas Brændsrød . Principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of London



From the ballet The Nutcracker – Grand pas de deux – Adagio
Choreography: Marius Petipa . Music: Peter Tchaikovsky . 1892
Astrid Elbo & Lukas Brændsrød

From the opera Rigoletto – Gilda’s aria “Caro nome”
Music: Giuseppe Verdi . 1851
Soprano: Lina Johnson . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Ballet 102
Choreography: Eric Gauthier . 2016
lana Salenko & Marian Walter

Prelude and Allegro
Music: Fritz Kreisler . 1910
Violin: Charlie Siem . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Somewhere over the Rainbow
Choreography: Arlene Phillips . 2024 . Music: Harold Arlen . 1939
Anna Rose O’Sullivan & Xander Parish
Vocals: Jens-Christian Wandt . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

From the opera La Traviata – Aria of Violetta: “Sempre Libera”
Music: Giuseppe Verdi . 1853
Soprano: Lina Johnson . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Choreography: Steven McRae . Music: The Drummers – John Mason
Steven McRae


Choreography: Steven McRae . Music: Astor Piazzolla . 1974
Xander Parish & Lukas Brændsrød

Violin Sonata No. 2 in G major, op. 13, II. Allegretto Tranquillo
Music: Edvard Grieg . 1867
Violin: Charlie Siem . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Last Spring, op. 33, no. 2
Music: Edvard Grieg . Text: A.O. Vinje
Soprano: Lina Johnson . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Choreography: Joshua Junker . Music: Steve Reich
Astrid Elbo, Anna Rose O’Sullivan & Lukas Brændsrød

Choreography: Marian Walter & Steven McRae . Music: Leonard Cohen
Marian Walter

From the operetta The Land of Smiles – “Who has put love in our hearts”
Music: Franz Lehar . 1929
Soprano: Lina Johnson . Tenor: Jens-Christian Wandt . Piano: Caroline Jaya-Ratnam

Choreography: lana Salenko & Steven McRae . Music: Maurice Ravel
Iana Salenko & Steven McRae

Finale – Radetzky March
Music: Johann Strauss Sr

For more information see



The VERDENSBALLETT’s performance next year
– again with us at the BENEN-DIKEN-HOF –
will take place

Thursday, July 10, 2025

Advance sales begin on December 2, 2024.

Impressions of the construction process

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