Ayurveda Massages

Ayurveda, the oldest handed down health doctrine, is considered the “mother of all healing arts”. Ayurveda offers a natural way to bring people into physical and mental balance, to restore and maintain harmony between body, mind and soul.

The Ayurveda full body massage serves to harmonise body, mind and soul. It helps the skin to purify and eliminate toxic residues. The tissue regenerates, the skin becomes less sensitive to environmental stress and the body regains a high level of vitality.
PamperingTime . approx. 60 min  € 105.00   >>> BOOKING

Muk-Abhyanga and Pad-Abhyanga
Touching the main energy centres of the face ( Muk-Abhyanga ) or the feet ( Pad-Abhyanga ) causes a deep relaxation and harmonisation of the body energies in a short time. Especially recommended for headaches or states of exhaustion.
PamperingTime . approx. 30 min  € 59.00   >>> BOOKING

Full-body dry massage with raw silk gloves, which stimulates the metabolism and stimulates the lymphatic and connective tissue. Metabolic toxins are eliminated, cellulite is reduced and the skin is smoothed by the pleasant peeling effect.
PamperingTime . approx. 30 min  € 55.00   >>> BOOKING

Wonach suchen Sie?

06.11.2025 – 21.12.2025


7 or 14 Overnight stays

GivenTimeIII .
7 for 6 or 14 for 12

What are you looking for?

July 10, 2025


Ballet at world-class level