Classical medical massages

Classical massage
Improves blood circulation in the skin, relaxes muscles, supports the removal of tissue waste products and has a prophylactic effect in migraine
PamperingTime . approx. 50 min  € 88.00   >>> BOOKING
PamperingTime . approx. 25 min  € 52.00   >>> BOOKING

Functional massage
Special muscle-oriented massage technique that stretches the muscle and simultaneously moves the affected joint.
PamperingTime . approx. 50 min  € 92.00   >>> BOOKING

Trigger point massage
Tense or cramped muscles all too often cause unpleasant pain.
Trigger point massage relieves them, blockages are released.
PamperingTime . approx. 25 min  € 58.00   >>> BOOKING

Foot reflexology massage
The foot reflex zone massage offers the body impulses for self-healing. It supports and stimulates the regulation of organic dysfunctions – such as metabolic disorders, intestinal sluggishness, irritations – and is successfully used to reduce pain.
PamperingTime . approx. 25 min  € 52.00   >>> BOOKING

Golf Massage
This massage to improve mobility in the shoulder and hip area especially for golfers includes a treatment concept of muscle and joint relaxation through massage and, if necessary, the use of KinesioTape. Through this treatment you increase your vitality – not only for golf.
PamperingTime . approx. 75 min  € 118.00   >>> BOOKING

Fascia treatment
This treatment loosens adhesions and twists in the tissues that cause pain and provides more mobility and improved posture.
PamperingTime . approx. 25 min  € 58,00   >>> BOOKING
PamperingTime . approx. 50 min  € 98,00   >>> BOOKING

Hot roll . Deep heat treatment
This warm and humid application simply does you good. It is ideally suited to relieving muscle blockages and respiratory spasms – also in combination with a classic massage.
PamperingTime . approx. 15 min  € 20.00   >>> BOOKING

Kinesio- and Lymph-Taping
Kinesio-Taping refers to a therapeutic procedure in which adhesive tapes or bandages are used that are stretchable to allow movement. It is precisely this movement that has the therapeutic healing effect.
from 15 min   € 25.00
from 30 min   € 50.00

Lymph Taping
Lymph taping refers to the activation of the lymph vessels close to the skin by moving them in the skin/subcutaneous area. The lymph is transported along the taping strip to the nearest lymph nodes.
from 15 min  € 25.00

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July 10, 2025




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05.01.2025 – 04.04.2025
06.11.2025 – 21.12.2025


5 Overnight stays

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